Monday, June 28, 2010


I have worried and fretted

stressed and wondered

tossed and turned

No matter how hard I try

I can’t get inside your head

So I’ve decided

To do the one I can……


I am waiting.

© C. Stinson 2008

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Reflections of the Past

How did I get here - where I am today?
I don’t remember falling, tripping or tumbling
Yet, I found myself at the bottom yet again
I need to understand the when’s and why’s
I think it is an important step in my recovery
It’s not about reliving the past
It’s more about understanding
If I can go back to that moment in time
Reflect, dissect, and analyze
Can I prevent this from happening again
Or is it unimportant at this point in my life
Can I move on ? Shall I move forward?
Have I learned from the past?

© C.Stinson June 18, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Wonder

I Wonder

I wonder why you treat your mother as if she is the scum on the bottom of your shoe when I would love to have one such as yours. Why are you blessed with one you neglect when I craved that kind of love as a child? Would I appreciate her more if she were mine?

I wonder how three very different people connect and form a bond that seems unbreakable closer than any family member. Sharing things that even we know we shouldn’t with each other.

I wonder how to you he was the worst father in the world yet you walked away and forgot you had a son who needed your guidance.

I wonder why at the sound of your voice, the mention of your name, or the flash of your face across the mental visions of my mind my body reacts more than it ever has to being physically touched.

I wonder if friends can be lovers and it not affect their friendship.

I wonder why people can’t be themselves at all times. Today things are okay as I take my social drink of wine that you share Yet yesterday it was make mine virgin I don’t drink that stuff oh holier than thou art friend.

I wonder why I lost you when all I wanted to do was tell you what was going on. Be honest and tell you of his transgressions. Why did you choose him over me? I loved you like a sister and would never do anything to hurt you.

I wonder why some friends are seasonal, some are lifers. Some can come and go. Some can return after years of separation and it feel like they never left.

I wonder if you know how much your friendship means to me.

I wonder what is wrong with me.

I wonder if people realize I am the same person no matter what size I am. The struggles I go through and the shame I feel when I am “losing” the battle. The war is ever going for me.

I wonder if you realize I lost a piece of myself when I lost you and I couldn’t quite go on as I should without you. Would you have left if you knew the repercussions of such actions? Or were you taken from me? Could you have done it ? Did you really do it?

I wonder if people realize how far an apology will go. How a simple “I’m sorry I hurt you” can heal deep wounds. If only we can look past our own guilt, see what the others have gone through because of our actions and know all they need is a word to stop their pain.

I wonder if I could do it all other again would I be able to control the situation and do things differently. Or would things spin out and the outcome be the same.

I wonder if at the end of my life will people have seen the real me or the one they have perceived me to be. Will all they remember are the flaws of my life - my human frailties?

I wonder if I will ever know.

© C. Stinson July 26, 2009

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lonely Thoughts

Lonely Thoughts

Sometimes I get so lonely and I think of going back

Forgetting with you that life was dark and black

Reminiscing on the good times makes me smile

The crack in my heart opens the door for denial

I want to believe that you have changed for the better

I pull out my memoir box to read your love letters

The crack becomes a hole and in floods the memories

Causing the love I once had for you to shine once more

Leaving me confused and my heart to soar

Can I forget? Take that step back and let you back in

Can I believe the words on the pages and begin again?

Then I remember for every good , there were countless bad

For every smile there were many tears to be had

The pain comes back like acid and fills the hole

Erodes the memories and gives me back control

Life with you was full of misery and lacking of light

I can’t take the chance that all that waits for me is the night

I can't ignore all the heartache, the lies and pain

The crack is there and will always remain

But loneliness will not be allowed to overcome

My will is strong and will not come undone

My resolve is set and will not give into the strife

I will not waste my breath of life.

© C. Stinson May 30, 2010