First direction says head northwest, ummmm which way is that? Can I get a left or right please? Then the next one took me on a loop back to my starting point. At least I have the sense to know if I am looking for Exit 80 and the numbers are decreasing 77, 76, I am going the wrong way. See, I know a little something something. Anyway, after two turnarounds, I made it to the candy shop to find a closed sign. According to the website, they are open on Sundays from 12-5. Oh well, now it’s head west (here we go again), but at least I have a map and the line helps me figure out which way to go. Yep, I’m getting better at this reading a map thing. Made it downtown with only one turnaround and discovered the bridge. It wasn’t as fascinating as I thought. I took one look at it and thought I’m not climbing that thing. So click click and I strolled downtown for a bit. Found an antique furniture and junk store and saw a doll sitting in a chair and a bear that I couldn’t leave. $10 for them both. I really don’t have a place for them a home but I’ll worry about that later.
Heading west (by now I know which way that is – someone give me a cookie please) and I made it to the Fantastic Caverns with no turnarounds – another cookie please. Very interesting place. They showed a movie with the history of the cave and again I found myself wondering again if this alone thing was a good idea. At one point a certain group of hooded organization met in this cave, hmmmm. I looked around and was glad that even though I was the only brown face on the tram everyone was friendly and smiling. It was interesting to hear that the man that first discovered the cave kept it a secret until after the Civil War. He didn’t want either side using seizing it.
At the end of the ride, the guide magically pulled out several copies of a souvenir picture and passed them out. The old “give it to them, let them see it/hold it, and hopefully they will buy it” trick. Well it worked for $10 many of us kept the picture.
I’m tired from the day but have a wonderful time. Now I am thinking I need to extend my trip one more day. I have my eye on The Platters concert tomorrow.
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